This month will cumulate 3 years of steady, monthly writing on the body, emotion and mind of a yoga practice. I write my own experience, “Jo-Shmo” yogini, just one of thousands of yoga teachers in the United States.
Looking at the Archive, (Did you know there is a Newsletter Archive page? Have you ever perused it? It’s not well tagged, so hard to navigate, in a way, I admit.) I feel the impulse of creating a better organization of the subjects. Let me know if you would make use of the past writings. In looking at the Website’s Newsletter Archive page, I feel like it’s all been written, emailed, posted, verbalized. It’s all been said. I don’t know what else I could teach you that would help you. For now, it’s up to you and I to practice what has been offered. I think what happens over the course of long time practice is we focus in for a while on a particular something. After a period of time, we come up out of that focus and hopefully investigate again all the many other things. In those will be some familiar and some forgotten, some that was not before accessible or comprehended. At some point again, a particular something in the collection of knowledge becomes a new focus for another period. The cycle begins again. I have now been practicing yoga for 20 years. That’s not very long. Honestly, I feel like I’m just getting started! Reflect back on your 20-year-old self. How much experience did you REALLY have at 20? I feel things I never felt before, just now understand some of what I was queued by teachers years ago. Yet, at 20, I have a better idea of what I like and what is helpful. I have let go of many agendas, “should-be-able-to-s” and goals. I have settled into pure practice. Practice just to practice. Practice just to be present and sensate. Practice as the opportunity to breath and feel my own being. This summer our classes will, as well, settle into pure practice. Practice just to practice. Practice just to be present and sensate. Practice as the opportunity to breath and feel your own being. Comments are closed.
December 2022